Rewarded According to Works


There are a number of places in scripture that SEEM to say we are, “rewarded according to works.” But isn’t that contrary to grace? Does God save us solely, “by grace through faith,” only to then put us under another law – a law of earning rewards? Do you want to spend the rest of your life trying to be good enough to merit a reward from God? A Christian life geared to earning a bigger eternal reward is just as much under the law as one geared to trying to earn salvation. Practically speaking, they are the same.

Let’s realize what it would mean to be rewarded according to our works: It would mean that our eternal reward is based upon — not some of our works; not only upon our good works; but upon ALL of our works – both good and bad. But included in these works must be, yes, outward works, but also inward thoughts, intents, and attitudes. It would mean that for every good work — both inward and outward — our reward goes UP. For every bad work — both inward and outward — our reward goes DOWN. If we are rewarded according to our works — ALL of our works must be figured into the equation. Now ask: How much of a reward do you think you will receive?

But in addition, ask: What is a good work? And how good is good enough? Do we realize that every imperfect attitude is a, “bad work?” Every sin of omission is a, “bad work?” Every hint of unbelief is a, “bad work?” In fact, do we actually believe that God could ever be so grateful to us for anything we do that He will REWARD us for it?

The word translated, “reward,” in the NT more properly means, “wages,” or, “recompense.” Paul directly states, “The WAGES of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Rom. 6:23) Note the contrast: Death is earned, but life is a GIFT. But do we realize that within eternal life in Christ is everything that God has to give? — and that indeed God has freely GIVEN us all things in Christ?

Yet the question remains: What does God mean in those places where it says we will be, “rewarded according to our works?” A short answer to this question is found in John 6. There Jesus said, “THIS IS the work of God, that you believe….” (John 6:29) This is a play on words — Jesus is saying that FAITH is like a work – it certainly is a choice — it is the one, “work,” that pleases God because faith puts aside our works and rests in Christ; rests in His finished work. In other words, if we LOSE all thought of walking with Christ for a reward and simply freely give ourselves to Him without conditions attached, we will FIND Christ — and find all that is freely given in HIM.

The work of God, according to Jesus, is faith. This means that all of the works in the world cannot earn a thing from God. Yet if we believe and give ourselves to Christ, then all that God has given in Christ will be possible for us — indeed, Christ Himself will be our, “reward.”

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