Rocket fired towards Israel amid largescale unrest in Jerusalem

 number of rioters were injured along the Gaza border as IDF soldiers responded with rubber bullets and tear gas.


MAY 9, 2021 01:33
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Smoke rises after an explosion as Palestinians take part in a night protest held along the Gaza side of the border with Israel (photo credit: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN)
Smoke rises after an explosion as Palestinians take part in a night protest held along the Gaza side of the border with Israel
(photo credit: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN)
A rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip towards Israel on Saturday night, amid riots along the Gaza border fence and in Jerusalem, according to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit. It is unclear if the rocket landed in Israeli territory. A rocket alert was sounded in an open area.

Earlier on Saturday night, a number of Palestinian rioters were injured during riots along the border of the Gaza Strip, amid unrest in recent days around the Temple Mount and planned evictions in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of east Jerusalem.

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According to Palestinian reports, the IDF responded to the rioters, who were referred to as the “night confusion units” by Palestinian media, by launching tear gas and firing rubber bullets. The night confusion units have been used in the past along with incendiary and explosive balloons to disrupt the lives of Israeli citizens living near the Gaza border.
It remains unclear exactly how many rioters have been injured and what condition they are in, but video from the scene showed ambulances arriving and at least one person who appeared to be unconscious. Initial reports indicated the injuries included one person injured by rubber bullets and a number of others who suffocated due to tear gas.
Images and video from the riots showed Palestinians lighting large fires and throwing explosives at the border fence. Regional councils in Israeli communities near the border issued statements to residents, informing them that the explosions were occurring within Gaza and that the IDF had the situation under control.

Amid the unrest, the commander of the IDF’s Gaza Division met with local authorities from communities border the Gaza Strip on Saturday night, according to Israeli media.
The riots come after a number of incendiary balloons were launched from the Gaza Strip in recent days and riots broke out in Jerusalem, amid protests against the planned eviction of Palestinians from homes in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah.
At least 53 Palestinians were injured in riots on Saturday night, as 90,000 worshippers visited al-Aqsa.
An incendiary balloon from the Gaza Strip landed in the yard of a house in Moshav Zimrat on Saturday evening, N12 News reported. The family which resides in the house where the balloon landed was at home when the incendiary balloon landed in their yard, according to the report.
At least three balloons were spotted in areas surrounding the Gaza Strip on Saturday, with two fires sparked by the balloons.

Additionally on Saturday, Egypt called on the Palestinian terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip to deescalate tensions and on Israel to halt the evictions in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, according to Al-Arabiya.
Abu Ubaida, the spokesman of the Izzadin al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s military wing, issued a short statement in support of the rioters in Jerusalem on Saturday night.
“We salute the steadfastness of our people stationed in Jerusalem and al-Aqsa, and we tell them that the Commander of the Al-Qassam Brigades, Muhammad al-Deif, has promised you and will not break his promise,” said Ubaida.
Ubaida referencing statements made by Deif last week, in which he stated “This is our final warning. If the aggression against our people in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood does not stop immediately, we will not stand idly by and the occupation will pay a heavy price.”

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