
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 A.M.) – Russia has offered Iraq their S-400 air defense system to protect their airspace, RIA Novosti reported this week, citing the Russian Ministry of Defense.
According to the report, the Iraqi military may purchase the Russian S-400 system after it was offered to them to “ensure the country’s sovereignty and reliable protection of airspace.”
“Iraq is a partner of Russia in the field of military-technical cooperation, and the Russian Federation can supply the necessary funds to ensure the sovereignty of the country and reliable protection of airspace, including the supply of S-400 missiles and other components of the air defense system, such as Buk-M3, Tor -M2 “and so on,” a member of the Public Council for the Russian Ministry of Defense said, as quoted by Avia.Pro.
Experts reportedly drew attention to the fact that a few months ago, Iraq was seriously mulling the possibility of acquiring the Russian air defense system; however, they reportedly backed off after pressure from the U.S.
If Iraq were to acquire the S-400 system, however, they would be the second country in the Middle East to have this air defense equipment in their arsenal.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/russia-offers-iraq-s-400-air-defense-system-to-protect-airspace/.