News Desk2020-03-03

BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:20 A.M.) – The Russian air defenses were activated last night when a wave of drones attempted to attack their headquarters at the Hmeimim Airbase in southwestern Latakia.
According to a local source in the coastal city of Jableh, the Russian air defenses confronted the drones at the Hmeimim Airbase’s northeastern perimeter, ending in all of the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) being shot down before they could do any damage to the installation.
The source said that the drones were believed to have been launched from the northeastern countryside of the Latakia Governorate by Turkish-backed militant groups that are currently fighting the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).
No one was hurt during the attempted militant attack on the Hmeimim Airbase.
On February 19, the air defense charged with protecting the Russian Hmeimim Airbase in Syria confronted a similar group of hostile drones that tried to approach the region.
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