BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:00 P.M.) – The Russian military confirmed that they are assisting the Syrian forces who are patrolling the Golan area in the Quneitra countryside near the “Bravo Line” separating the Syrian and Israeli forces.
“The most important thing is the work of individuals. We are conducting joint exercises, including evacuations, the transfer of reinforcements, and repelling attacks,” the commander of one of the Russian brigades said in an interview with TASS.
“Our mission is to monitor the ceasefire, show the Russian military presence, and protect the Russian military,” he said.
It is noteworthy to mention that the Russian Military Police guarantees security in the area after expelling armed groups from the Quneitra countryside.
Russian forces deployed 5 observation posts near the disengagement line, which were monitored by the UN peacekeepers earlier.
While Israel maintains that the Iranian forces and their allies are still working near the demilitarized zone of the Golan Heights, the Russian military has been at the DMZ since 2018 to ensure that no clashes breakout and that the agreement from that year is still in place.
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