News Desk2020-01-21
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:10 P.M.) – The Russian Armed Forces have deployed their S-400 air defense system at the Qamishli Airport in northeastern Syria, the Chinese publication Sohu reported on Wednesday.
“The maximum detection range of the S-400 air defense radar at the Hmeimim Airbase is only 600 kilometers, which means that the Russian S-400 radar can only detect aircraft over most of the border between Iraq and Syria, but not over the border between Iraq and Iran . The most appropriate explanation is that the Russian Air Force sent the 96L6E radar, located at the Hmeimim Airbase, to the Qamishli Airbase in the northeast border region of Syria, which is only 100 kilometers from the Iraqi border,” the publication reported.
According to the publication, this information was made available after Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters that the Russian Armed Forces tracked six F-35 warplanes along the Iran-Iraq border during the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ (IRGC) attack on the U.S. forces inside Iraq.
The report would be corroborated by the aviation publication Avia.Pro, who also confirmed that if the Russian air defenses did indeed pick up the U.S. aerial presence along the Iran-Iraq border, than it was due to the S-400’s proximity to the Iraq border.
“Given the Russian S-400’s target detection range, these air defense systems could indeed detect six a-35 fighters near Iran’s borders,” they said.
It should be noted, however, that while Iran has made similar claims, the U.S. has not commented on Lavrov’s allegations.
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