Russian naval fleet to receive advanced hypersonic missiles

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BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:45 P.M.) – The commander of the Russian Northern Fleet, Admiral Alexander Moisev, announced that the fleet will be equipped with hypersonic weapons to enhance its combat power.

Moisiev said in an interview with “Krasnaya Zvezda”: “More than 180 weapons and military equipment adapted for use in the harsh arctic conditions will be provided to the ground forces that protect and control the coasts. The new weapons, including weapons, will continue to be tested.”

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“The hypersonic missiles will allow the combat fleet capacity to be increased qualitatively,” he continued.

Admiral Moiseev stressed that “work to strengthen air defense capabilities in the Russian part of the Arctic and the northern borders of our country is continuing,” noting that among the air defense systems that rotate in the Arctic, there is the S-400 system.


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