
BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:30 P.M.) – The Russian and Syrian air forces launched their largest attack of the month over the northwestern region of Syria this week.
Led by the Russian air squadron at the Hmeimim Airport in Latakia, the two air forces launched over 140 airstrikes in the past 72 hours, with the primary target of this attack being the southern countryside of the Idlib Governorate.
According to a report from the nearby Hama Governorate, the Russian and Syrian air forces have been launching nonstop airstrikes over southern Idlib this evening.
Several strikes have already been reported around the key town of Ma’arat Al-Nu’man, which is the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) next major target in the Idlib Governorate.
Over the last three days, the Syrian Arab Army has been building up their forces along the southern and southeastern axes of Idlib, with reports of several tanks arriving to help with the upcoming offensive.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/russian-syrian-jets-launch-nonstop-strikes-over-northwest-syria-as-army-offensive-approaches/.