
BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:45 A.M.) – The Russian Air Force launched a powerful attack over northwestern Syria last night, as their warplanes heavily targeted sites belonging to the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP) and Hurras Al-Deen group.
According to a field report from the nearby Hama Governorate, the Russian Air Force, with support from the Syrian military, unleashed several airstrikes over the Jabal Al-Zawiya region, hitting a number of jihadist positions along the southern Idlib front-lines.
The report said the Russian Air Force carried out several of their strikes over the front-line town of Al-Baraa, which has become the headquarters for the militants near the Jabal Al-Zawiya front-lines.
A source form the Syrian military said the Russian Air Force struck a gathering point for the jihadist rebels in Al-Baraa, resulting in heavy losses for the latter.
This attack by the Russian Air Force last night was the largest assault that they have launched since the start of the March 5th Moscow Agreement.
Tensions between the Syrian military and jihadist rebels have reached a month-long high, following a heavy attack by the Hurras Al-Deen group on the SAA’s positions at the Tanjara axis in the A-Ghaab Plain region of northwestern Hama.
Since this attack, the Syrian Arab Army has amassed a large force along the Jabal Al-Zawiya and Al-Ghaab Plain front-lines, prompting rumors of a new military operation against the jihadist rebels.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/russian-warplanes-launch-biggest-attack-in-months-over-northwest-syria/.