
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:30 P.M.) – The commander of the Russian Air Force, General Sergei Surovkin, confirmed that the S-500 missiles are capable of hitting hypersonic missiles in space.
He said in an interview with “Al-Najma Al-Hamra” channel: “The characteristics stipulated in the S-500 air defense system enables it to intercept and drop hypersonic targets.”
He continued: “This is in addition to its ability to address dynamic targets and ballistic missiles … There is no match for these missiles in the world.”
The Air Force Commander indicated that a fully integrated space defense system would be deployed in Russia by 2024.
The Russian Deputy Defense Minister, Alexei Krivorochko, announced last February that “the system, when it is ready, will be handed over to the Russian army to enter service.”
Last year, the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed that the S-500 missile air defense systems will enter combat service in the Russian army as of 2020.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/russias-new-s-500-air-defense-system-is-capable-of-hitting-hypersonic-missiles-in-space-commander/.