Saved By His Life


For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. (Rom. 5:10)

Most Christian teaching states that we are saved only by the death of Jesus Christ. But His death alone saved no one, because, well, it was DEATH. We are saved by His life – we are saved when Jesus Christ comes to dwell in us. He IS the Life, and when we receive Him, He becomes our life. Christ in us is our salvation.
Contrary to some false teaching, Jesus Christ DID die on the Cross for every sin ever committed by every human being. At that point, the slate is clean. All sin is paid for. This was a finished and final work regardless of whether even one person believed it. Paul says, “…that if one died for all, then were all dead.” The Adam race died in Jesus Christ. All of us were included.

But despite the fact that Christ did die for all, only those who by faith embrace His death and take their place in His Cross are united with Him in His death – and only those united with Him in death are those who are raised in Him to newness of life. In short, Christ died for all, but only those who believe are saved – saved by being raised in Him; saved by being joined to Him through His Spirit in us; saved by HIS LIFE.