Senior representative of Hezbollah discusses ‘Israeli aggression’ in Moscow

Senior representative of Hezbollah discusses ‘Israeli aggression’ in Moscow

 Saturday, April 27, 2019 12:00:05 PM


Hezbollah’s Deputy in the Lebanese Parliament Ali Fayyad took part in the Moscow Conference on International Security. During his visit to the Russian capital, the high-ranking representative of the Party of Allah also met with Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Bogdanov,  the Russian news agency Sputnik reported.

According to Fayyad, the participants discussed “Israel’s aggressive actions” including its claim of oil and gas fields located in “Lebanon’s exclusive economic zone”.

“In addition to discussing the issue of Israel’s seizure of oil and gas, as well as the United States’ regional policy of escalation, we also discussed events related to the Palestinian conflict,” the parliamentarian said.

As for Washington’s recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, Fayyad said: “Of course, the US recognizing Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights is a very serious decision that not only defies history and humanitarian norms, but international law”.

The visit to Russia by a representative of a Shiite group, recognized as a terrorist organization by many countries, including the United States, went unnoticed by Israeli officials. Arabist Ksenia Svetlova, who serves in Israel’s 20th Knesset, drew attention to this fact.

In an interview with Israeli Channel 9, Svetlova noted that, “Hezbollah is responsible for hundreds of terrorist attacks and shelling of targets” which have resulted in “Russian civilian casualties as well”. “It is regrettable that representatives of this organization are warmly welcomed in the Russian capital,” she said, adding with irony that “Hezbollah, as you know, has a unique view of international security and rich experience in its enhancement.”

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