Supreme Court rejects appeal to disqualify Netanyahu from forming coalition

Appeal by Movement for Quality Government to disqualify PM Netanyahu outright is rejected. ‘We’ll resubmit after results are published.’

Arutz Sheva Staff, 04/03/20
Supreme Court

Israel’s Supreme Court rejected an appeal by the Movement for Quality Government in Israel to disqualify Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu from being tasked with forming the next coalition.

“This appeal deals with rejection outright, and it comes even before the final results of the elections are announced,” the Supreme Court said.

In their appeal, the Movement for Quality Government requested the Supreme Court issue an interim order freezing the process in which Knesset members recommend a candidate for prime minister to President Reuven Rivlin, until the legal advisers of the government, the Knesset, and the President could issue detailed statements of their opinion regarding the requirements necessary for the MKs to recommend a candidate to Rivlin, and the requirements necessary for Rivlin to be able to make a legal decision on the matter.

The Movement for Quality of Government in Israel has promised to resubmit its appeal after the final elections results are published.

“Every intelligent person understands that a person who has a box of insects on his shoulders cannot serve as prime minister,” the movement said in a statement. “The Movement for Quality of Government respects the Supreme Court and bows its head before its decision. And therefore we will submit our apeal again, immediately following the publication of the final results.”

Tags:Movement for Quality Government, movement for quality government in israel, Supreme Court, 2020 elections


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