
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:45 P.M.) – The Israeli Defense Minister, Naftali Bennett, warned Iran this morning that their ongoing participation in the Syrian conflict will resemble the U.S.’ ten-year-long war in Vietnam (1965-1975).
Bennett said at a conference held today in Jerusalem that what Iran is doing in Syria and Lebanon is pushing Israel to turn Syria into “your Vietnam.”
The Israeli newspaper “Maariv” quoted Naftali Bennett , the new Israeli Minister of Defense, as saying that Iran is working to set fire to its country, claiming that it is stationed in Lebanon, and is working to establish bases in Syria and the Gaza Strip, and that Israel will launch a strong defensive operation for any attack.
Bennett claimed that Syria would turn into a new “Vietnam” for Iran, if the Iranians insisted on not leaving Syria, adding that his country would do so by any means.
The Israeli Minister of Defense revealed that his country will face major threats in the next year, 2020, and that the Israeli Armed Forces are ready for any operations, whether from Syria, Lebanon or the Gaza Strip. He called on Israel, at the same time, to move away from personal interests, and to tip the balance of his country over any other interests.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syria-will-be-your-vietnam-israeli-dm-warns-iran/.