BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:45 A.M.) – The elders of Syrian Tribal Council called on the sons of the tribes from all components of the Syrian island to join the ranks of the popular resistance to “liberate the sacred soil of Syria from the American and Turkish impurity.”
The Council stressed in a statement released by Al-Watan on Monday evening that the people need expel the U.S. forces and “join the ranks of the Syrian Arab Army to complete the liberation of Syria’s soil and rid it of a state of terrorism and chaos.”
The statement described the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) as “agents of the American occupation”, calling on them not to “engage in the American project and implement its goals in the siege of our people and to prevent a political solution and reconstruction, especially as the American-Turkish alliance targets all the people of Syria and occupies more land and plundering our country’s strategic fortunes,” stressing “the fact that these militias remain outside the national ranks will bear the historical and moral responsibility for the loss of any inch of the territory of Syria. ”
The statement warned the SDF against continuing to commit violations against the Arab people because of its dangerous repercussions on civil peace, and the necessity of stopping the recruitment of the people of the region by force to protect the American occupation and others, holding them directly responsible for their lives.
They called for the necessity of going to Damascus in order to “unify the guns to liberate Afrin, Jarablus, Ras al-Ain and Idlib from the clutches of the occupiers.”
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The Syrian Tribal Council held a similar meeting in Aleppo in 2018 and 2019, in which they called for the expulsion of the U.S. Coalition forces from the region.
Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-tribal-council-calls-to-liberate-syria-from-us-and-turkish-occupation/.