Ten thousand Palestinians rioting on Gaza border

Oct 19, 2018 @ 18:18

More than 10,000 violent Palestinian rioters again mobbed the Gaza border this Friday at five focal points, hurling explosive devices and grenades and burning tires, while official Israeli spokesmen made every effort to play down the event. Thousands mobbed the border fence despite an IDF directive to revive the 500m off-limits strip along the border. The IDF reported that three armed gangs managed to cross the border fence. They attacked Israeli troops with bombs and grenades before they were driven back by tear gas and live fire from ramped-up Israeli forces. One gang damaged a military vehicle. The Palestinians report 117 injured and that the IDF is firing heavy machine gun fire from tanks. A group of rioters vandalized gas pipelines bringing fuel from Israel to Gaza. During the day, an IDF drone struck a Palestinian incendiary balloon team in southern Gaza. Three fires were ignited on the Israeli side of the border. Chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gady Eisenkot and OC Southern Command Majr. Gen. Herzi Halevi are at the scene.

Iron Dome batteries have been deployed at several points in central Israel following the two Palestinian Grad rockets fired from the Gaza Strip against Israeli cities on Wednesday.

Content retrieved from: https://www.debka.com/mivzak/ten-thousand-palestinians-rioting-on-gaza-border/.