Tension Rising Over the Blue Nile – Egypt Goes on High Alert and Ethiopia Deploys Anti-Aircraft Missiles

Conflict is increasing between Egypt and Ethiopia regarding the Blue Nile River as Ethiopia moves forward with filing the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam; Egypt has moved to the ‘highest state of alert.’

Tension continues to rise between Egypt & Ethiopia after it was revealed that Ethiopia has no intentions of halting its plans to fill the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). Ethiopia’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Amsalu Tizazu stated in an interview that his country is under no obligation to inform these nations regarding what Ethiopia chooses to do with their dam on the Blue Nile River.

Both Egypt and Sudan stand in strong opposition to Ethiopia’s decision, voicing concerns over the reduced water flow into their countries which will put them at risk regarding their crops, which could lead to famine. Ethiopia says their actions are crucial to the future of their country.

In response, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi met with other high-ranking officials and stated that the Egyptian military needs to be “at the highest level of preparedness, ready to defend Egypt’s national security.” This isn’t the first time that Egypt has prepared militarily to defend its chief water source. In fact, Egypt discussed plans to prevent Ethiopia’s dam from being built back in 2013.

Ethiopia has even deployed anti-aircraft missiles in the vicinity of the GERD.

Content retrieved from: https://beholdisrael.org/tension-rising-over-the-blue-nile-egypt-goes-on-high-alert-and-ethiopia-deploys-anti-aircraft-missiles/.

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