The Church Part 2

Tree naturally. But, it is only believing Jews who remain in the Olive Tree. Unbelieving Jews, of all things, are broken off. They are dead, lying at the side of the tree. Strangely enough, there are also these wild olive trees, and branches from the wild olive trees that are grafted into the good Olive Tree, the cultivated Olive Tree, and live off the nourishment from the roots and the sustaining power of God.
That is how the Olive Tree is described. But what is the Olive Tree? How can it be defined? First, it helps to clarify what the Olive Tree is not. THE OLIVE TREE IS NOT THE CHURCH; THE OLIVE TREE IS NOT ISRAEL. THE OLIVE TREE IS THE SPIRITUAL COMMONWEALTH OF ISRAEl, or in other words the promises and blessings of God.

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