The Church Part 3

The judgment of the Church is also known as the “bema” seat of Christ after the Greek word for judgment.The basis of this judgment will be the believer’s works done in the body since he or she became a believer. It is not the believer’s sins which were settled at the cross, and there is now no condemnation for them that are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1) This is not a question of the believer’s sins, but a matter of reward on the basis of the believer’s deeds. It is a matter of quality and not of quantity. The concern of this judgment is whether or not the believer followed what God’s will was for him. If a believer is doing the will of the Lord, obeys His commandments, and fulfills the ministry for which he received his spiritual gifts, then he is building on the foundation with gold, silver, and precious stones. But if not then he is building with wood, hay and stubble. He has commanded us to work within a context of the local church. The local assembly is where we worship, fellowship and administer out spiritual gifts to be part of the body of believers and complete the plan that Christ gave for building up the body. We are simply not to forsake the fellowship of the believers. The local assembly can be a home church. It does not have to be a particular place. The early church met in homes. It simply means being with other believers and having those who teach and administer God’s Word be in spiritual authority over the believers for guidance and accountability. We are commanded to not distance ourselves from other believers and especially those who teach us and have the rule over us spiritually.

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