‘The end of Israel is approaching’: Iranian Quds Force commander

News Desk2020-11-28

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BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:00 P.M.) – The commander of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Ismail Ghaani, accused Israel of being behind the assassination of the prominent Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, promising that “the end of Israel is approaching.”

“The enemy does not dare to go to war like men with Iran, but the end of Israel is approaching,” the official Islamic Republic News Agency quoted Ghaani as saying about Friday’s assassination.

“This assassination is the last desperate attempt of international arrogance and thieves,” he added.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani accused Israel of assassinating Iranian nuclear scientist Fakhrizadeh.

The Iranian Defense Ministry said Fakhrizadeh was “seriously injured” when attackers targeted his car before they clashed with his bodyguards in an attack outside Tehran on Friday.

Iranian media had announced the assassination of the Iranian nuclear scientist, who specializes in the field of nuclear energy, shortly after the hospital failed to revive.


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