The Finality of Forgiveness


The finality of God’s forgiveness is as complete as the finality of the death that paid for it. If Jesus is done dying, then God is done forgiving – that is, God has completely forgiven, and is finished forgiving, the entire human race for all sin.
This means that saints are not merely people whose sins are forgiven. Rather, saints are forgiven people. You and I are as forgiven as we are ever going to be. We cannot add to that, and we cannot subtract from that. Thus, our responsibility, once God brings light, is to believe and fully rely upon Jesus Christ and His finished work.
Practically speaking, this means that God will never put any sin between Himself and us – for Jesus was the Lamb of God who took away all of the sin of the world — except for ONE sin. Jesus did not die for the sin of refusing His death. God cannot forgive the refusal of His forgiveness. That is impossible – it would render the death of Christ meaningless.
But that aside, Jesus did die for every sin that has been, or will be, committed by any member of the human race — and the finality of that forgiveness stands regardless of whether even one person believes. It IS finished. Our personal salvation is therefore based upon whether we will believe and embrace the finality of His work for us. Jesus died for ALL — but only those who believe can be saved.
The finality of God’s forgiveness is an eternal Truth. It is not only a basis of our salvation, but because it reveals the heart and intent of God towards us, it reveals much about the God with whom we are to live and walk through His Son.

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