The Gospel Concerning His Son


Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God…concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. (Rom 1:1-3)

The gospel is a proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ. Included in the proclamation of Christ must be, Christ crucified, Christ raised, and Christ as Lord. Omit any of these and it is not the true gospel. In addition, the gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ IN US, the hope of glory. In short, the gospel is the whole Truth of Christ.
This might seem too simplistic to mention. But there have always been subtle substitutes for the true gospel. For example, there are those who teach that our faith must be in the Cross – that it must be in the historical act of redemption that Christ finished on the Cross. But this is not the Truth — although certainly that is included. Our faith is to be in the Person of Christ – in the One who actually died on that Cross, and who dwells in us NOW.


Faith in the living Christ NOW does not omit or diminish what He has done. But it is faith, not merely in the work He did, but faith in the One who did that work – and who today is the embodiment of all that it means. Jesus Christ IS Christ crucified. Jesus Christ IS Christ raised. Faith in Christ that is according to the Truth includes faith in what He has done. But it is faith in HIM.
Our faith is to be in the living Christ who dwells in us NOW. He IS our resurrection and life. He contains the fullness of these realities – and He dwells in us. You cannot separate the Person of Christ from what He has done

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