The ongoing Iranian revolution

The world must not remain silent on the truth of the Iranian situation and must not do business with the killers of innocent Iranians.Op-ed.

Amil Imani

Support for the Iran protests

For 45 years, the Iranian people have grappled with a complex dilemma. While the mullahs in power possess significant wealth and authority, most of the population remains impoverished and hungry, with their aspirations for freedom, justice, liberty, and equality primarily ignored.

The world, too, has looked the other way, engaging in business with those responsible for oppressing innocent Iranians. However, amid these challenges, a revolution is taking shape, led by courageous women fighting fearlessly for a better future.

The Impact of the 1979 Iranian Revolution

As the Islamic Revolution completed its fourth decade, it would not be too difficult to realize the reality and the fruits of its mismanagement during its imperial and revolutionary eras. Throughout the four decades of its existence, the Islamic Republic has produced more hunger, extreme frustration, and anger, prostitution at a record pace, drug addiction beyond control, and child execution without regard to the international human rights bylaws.

The Iranian Revolution of 1979 was pivotal in the nation’s history and had far-reaching implications for the global oil market. It sparked the second oil shock in five years, causing oil prices to surge and resulting in a substantial net loss of oil supply. In response to these changes, oil producers worldwide increased investments in exploration and production to mitigate the effects of the revolution.

Unfulfilled Aspirations

Despite the upheaval caused by the 1979 revolution, the fundamental desire of more than 90 percent of Iranians is freedom. The ruling mullahs consolidated their power and wealth, leaving most of the population in dire socio-economic conditions. Dissidents struggled to unite for common goals, hindered by the oppressive regime’s tactics to suppress opposition.

Women Leading the Charge

The women of Iran are leading the first female-led revolution in the history of the world, revising what bravery means. Notably, a revolutionary movement is underway, primarily led by women who have managed to rally widespread support nationwide. These brave women are fighting relentlessly for freedom, opposing the oppressive Islamic regime that has stifled Iran’s largely secular population for over four decades. These courageous women have won almost the entire nation to their cause.

They fight fearlessly for freedom and against the terror of the Islamic regime. The Iranian people are aware that only they can overthrow the regime. The only thing they ask from other governments is not to deal with their killers.

The Iranian people know that their fate rests in their hands and are determined to bring about change. Women in Iran are chanting “Women, Life, Freedom” despite the threat of being shot and incarcerated by the régime. They are risking their lives. There are photographs of women raising their fists while the streets around them burn.

Understanding the Regime’s Influence

The Iranian regime exercises its influence through various means. Firstly, it maintains ties with Sunni clerics (despite the fact they are enemies) to consolidate its power base. Secondly, it provides financial aid to every proxy terrorist in the region and supports militant groups with weapons and training, further destabilizing the region. The regime’s transnational repression campaign reaches far beyond those kidnapped, killed, or detained, exerting other forms of pressure on anyone deemed a threat to the Islamic Republic.

Now the world faces wall-builders of a different kind: the Islamofascists, who have been at their shameless work for centuries. As their walls, built with superstition, discrimination, and blood, crumble, they become more intent on rebuilding new territories.

Transnational Repression Campaign

Moreover, the regime has extended its oppressive reach far beyond its borders, employing a transnational repression campaign to exert pressure on anyone perceived as threatening the Islamic Republic. This campaign includes kidnapping, killing, detaining, and other insidious tactics aimed at silencing dissent and perpetuating its control.

The Turning Point

Iran has witnessed numerous protests since 1979, but the most recent episode stands apart. The tragic death of Mahsa Amini in police custody for wearing an “improper” hijab ignited an unprecedented political upheaval marked by waves of protests predominantly led by women. This uprising has garnered extraordinary international support. Waves of protests, led primarily by women, have broken out immediately, inspiring exceptional international support.

Supporting the Iranian People

The Iranian people now need the unwavering support of the global community to amplify their plight and combat the regime’s oppression. The world must no longer remain silent about the truth of the Iranian dilemma or engage in business with those responsible for the suffering of innocent Iranians.

The ongoing Iranian revolution symbolizes the resilience and courage of a people yearning for freedom, justice, liberty, and equality. Despite facing immense adversity, the Iranian women spearheading this movement are determined to bring about change. It is incumbent upon the international community to stand with the Iranian people in their fight for a better future and ensure that their aspirations for a just and equitable society are finally realized.

The world must not remain silent in reporting the truth of the Iranian dilemma and must not engage in doing business with the killers of innocent Iranians. The Iranian revolution is ongoing, and the world must stand with the Iranian people in their fight for freedom, justice, and equality.

The brave Iranian women and men are not stopping, nor will they soon. They are taking to the streets to cut their hair and burn their hijabs, indicating to the Islamic government that they will no longer stand for this totalitarian regime—time for the mullahs to pack up and leave.

It is not a matter of if but when this regime falls.

Amil Imaniis an Iranian-American writer, satirist, novelist, public speaker, political analyst, foreign policy, National & Homeland Security, Intelligence & Counterterrorism who has been writing and speaking out about the danger of radical Islam both in America and internationally. He has become a formidable voice in the United States against the danger of global jihad and Islamization of America. Amil maintains a website at Imani is the author of Obama Meets Ahmadinejad and Operation Persian Gulf and is currently working on his third and fourth book. He is 2010 honoree of EMET: “The Speaker of the Truth Award” at the Capitol Hill.

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