The Spirit of Truth


The Spirit of Truth

And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that will abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth. (John 14:16)
The Spirit of God is the Spirit OF Truth. Jesus also said, “I AM the Truth.” But there is only ONE Truth. Thus, here we see the work of the Spirit: To reveal Jesus Christ.
Jesus promised that the Spirit of God would guide us into all Truth. (John 16:13) But now we know what that means: It means to reveal Jesus, who IS the Truth. Jesus is to be revealed TO us, IN us, and through us.
Truth is expressed in doctrine and teaching. But Truth is a Person. Thus, to be guided into all Truth really means to be conformed to the Christ who dwells in us. (Rom. 8:29) To be conformed to Christ actually means, “to be formed together” with Him. That is the Greek of that verse. God brings us into an inward realization of Jesus and it is this realization, if we embrace Him, that conforms us TO Him.
All that God does by His Spirit will not only agree fully with scripture, but it is what scripture itself says that Spirit of God does. In the end, each of us are either going to be conformed to the Truth in Christ, or we are going to conform the Truth to fit ourselves. Yet God’s goal will always remain the Truth in Christ.

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