The Syrians Won’t Cede an Inch of Their Land: PA Speaker

BAGHDAD, (ST)- Speaker of the People’s Assembly (PA) Hammouda Sabbagh has stressed that Golan is a Syrian Arab land and the Syrian people won’t rest until they liberate this dear part of the homeland and that hegemony forces must  have realized that they are facing a dignified people who won’t cede an inch of their land.

In a speech on Saturday during the Conference of the Parliaments of Iraq’s Neighboring Countries, Sabbagh said that peoples of the region have always called for justice and peace despite being targeted by hegemony forces, because the peace that is not based on justice will be a kind of surrender and subordination.

“Today, the meeting of our peoples has become an urgent need for all of us to confront  the common challenges which we are facing in one of the most difficult stages of history,” Sabbagh said.

He made it clear that the enemies of humanity have tried to make Syria the destination of the worst mercenaries of the world. They used all kinds of weapons, including the internationally-banned ones to kill children, women and elderly in the country and to destroy Syria’s infrastructure, hospitals and schools. However, the Syrian people kept steadfast and offered thousands of martyrs in defense of their homeland.

Terrorism is the latest innovation of America, NATO and Zionism

“Terrorism is the latest innovations of America, NATO and world Zionism. It will be buried in Syria and Iraq,” Sabbagh stressed.

He reiterated that Syria is being punished and exposed to unjust economic siege because it has an independent decision and it adheres to the rights of the Palestinian people and fully supports resistance against Zionism. He pointed out that Syria sees that its victory over terrorism is a victory for Palestine, the central cause all Arabs.

Forces that entered Syria without legal permission should leave

Sabbagh affirmed the Syrians’ determination to complete their victory over terrorism whatever the sacrifices are, calling for respecting Syria’s independence and sovereignty and urging  the withdrawal of all the forces which entered the Syrian territory without legal permission, because the Syrian people will not hesitate in liberating their lands from both occupation and terrorism.

The PA Speaker, asserted that all Security Council resolutions on Syria affirm the principle of respecting Syria’s territorial integrity and full sovereignty.

Al-Quds is the eternal Capital of Palestine

On al-Quds, Sabbagh stressed Syria’s support for the Palestinian people’s struggle against the Zionist occupies to restore their usurped rights and lands, reiterating that al-Quds is the eternal Capital of Palestine.

Sabbagh concluded his speech by stressing that people’s of the region are targeted by hegemony forces, thus there is an urgent need to coordinate and enhance parliamentary relations of the region’s countries in order to face their common destiny.

Hamda Mustafa


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