The True Vine

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he does shall prosper. (Ps. 1:3)

Jesus Christ in us through the Spirit of God is, “the river of living water.” It is only by being planted into Jesus Christ as our living river – as our life — that His life can become our life in a practical way.

It is incorrect to say that Jesus Christ gives us a THING called, “eternal life.” No. Jesus Christ gives us HIMSELF – in whom there is all life. He said, “I Am THE life.” It is only by being united with Christ through death and resurrection – which is how we become planted into Him – that He IS our life.

Fruit cannot be produced, grow, or live, without the vine – fruit must have a source of life. Jesus Christ is the source of all spiritual fruit in the Christian. All spiritual fruit – the fruits of the spirit – are of Jesus Christ. There are not two spiritual lives in the Christian – Jesus is THE life – He is our life. (Col. 3:4) Thus, His life BY the Holy Spirit is the life that produces the fruits of the Holy Spirit in the believer. The fruits of the Spirit are the character of the Christ who dwells in us being manifested through us.

The life of Jesus is resurrection life – it cannot wither because it is life born out of victory over death. And all that is of that life will prosper – for the life of Jesus Christ is the only life that will abide forever.

Daily Reflections From the Psalms

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