The World is Guilty

Previously the text concluded that all men, both Jews and Gentiles, are equal before God. Even though there is one large difference. The Lord chose the Jews receive the Law, write the Bible for Him and through them would come the Messiah Jesus. The Gentiles who are the remainder of the world’s population did not receive the Law directly from God. He gave His morality to them through their consciences. Paul deals with this difference in the rest of chapter two. He points out that God has spoken to all men, some through the Jewish Law and some through the Law of conscience, and so all men must answer to Him. A more literal rendering of the Greek text can be stated as: “Whoever sinned without having the Law will be lost without having the Law; and whoever sinned in the Law will be judged by the Law.” In the text Paul therefore is contrasting the Gentiles who do not have the Law of Moses with the Jews who have the Law

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