Then Face to Face


Then Face to Face

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. (I Cor. 13:12)

The glass through which we NOW, “see darkly,” is natural man. Not necessarily sinful man, but natural man. Even though Christ dwells in the believer, and this equips us with the capacity to grow to see Jesus Christ, in this age, and in this body, we will never be completely free from our natural man. To one degree or another, we will see through this glass darkly — dark in comparison to seeing Him face to face.

The last phrase of the verse says it all: “THEN I shall know even as also I am known.” During this age, there are times when I cannot see God. There are other times when I do not see Him clearly. But regardless, God sees me. Right now, I am known by God. We are being told that there will come a point — at the resurrection — at which all of the natural will be transformed and we will know God and His Son, Jesus Christ, face to face – we will know God as He already knows us. And that is a complete, unhindered knowing.

Little children will often cover their eyes if they are shy – somehow they think that if they cannot see you, that you cannot see them. But note: In their innocent attempt to keep you from seeing them, they block their ability to see you. It is like this with God – whatever we do to try to keep Him from seeing us is really keeping us from seeing Him. If we step into darkness it does not hide us from God — it hides HIM from US. This is why coming into the light and confessing our sin and our need is vital – if we open ourselves to God it does nothing to help Him see us. But it makes it possible for us to see Him.

There will always be limitations in this age. But God is working on that — by dealing with the natural man; by dealing with our hearts, and by bringing us into an inward revelation of Christ. God wants us to open to Him NOW, for it this present work that will enable us to see Him THEN, face to face.

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