![Image may contain: one or more people](https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/33318314_2066901253636642_1127922896568582144_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&oh=722c54f5d58b287a1b156b8d27211737&oe=5D6666A5)
“God is the one who has never criticized you or belittled you or made fun of your appearance in any way. He is the one who formed you, and said afterward, ‘This is good.’
In Luke, chapter 7, ‘a woman who had lived a sinful life’ brought an alabaster jar and broke it at the feet of Jesus. I am certain it was the most beautiful thing she owned. It represented her very life.
At His feet she poured out all her longings, all her struggles, all her attempts to measure up, all her manipulations to try to get love. She poured it all out at the feet of the One who could love her completely. She finally found the right feet.
And Jesus was moved. He recognized in her a heart of longing. He knew the sinful attempts that she had made to meet them apart from God. He forgave her. And He will forgive us.
We, too, have brought the alabaster jar of who we are to the wrong feet. We have tried to get love from others by using beauty. We have brought our pain to people who could not ease it, though we hoped they could.
There is only one set of feet that can heal us. The ones with the holes.” –
-Nicole Johnson (Fresh Brewed Life)