Today is Palm Sunday

. This is the day we traditionally honor as the day when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people had laid palm branches in to road as He rode by and were welcoming Him. One week later, they were crying out “crucify Him”.
What is so interesting about this event, is to consider a very important Bible prophecy. The prophecy is in Daniel and is tradtionally known as “Daniel’s 70 weeks”. This prophecy was given to survey the entire panorama of Jewish future (Daniel 9:24-27).
From the going forth of the decree to rebuild Jerusalem and its walls to “messiah the Prince” would be 60 weeks of years or 483 years. It is amazing that from the time Artazerxes gave the decree to rebuild Jerusalem until Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the donkey (not king but prince), was 173,880 days, or 483 years.
The original prophecy was for 70 weeks (of years). 70 times 7 equals 490. The prophecy was paused at the 483 year mark. 7 years (one week of years) are missing. According to Daniel 9:27, they will resume when an agreement is reached between Israel and the future Antichrist for the Jewish people to restore Sacrifices on the Temple Mount.
At the conclusion of the 70th week, Jesus will be installed on Earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. May HIs day be soon!
Meanwhile, we recognize that the Jesus that rode into Jerusalem on that little donkey was the real Messiah. He can live in our hearts today (Roman 10:9) as we think about Him living among us in His coming Kingdom.