July 12, 2023
“Ten years ago, this would have been impossible,” the former president said.
By World Israel News Staff
Former U.S. President Donald Trump, in his speech Monday night for the 2023 Israel Heritage Foundation Gala at Trump National Bedminster in New Jersey, bemoaned the decline in support for Israel in recent decades.
“I can say Israel is under siege politically. It used to be when I was growing up in Queens, my father was a builder in Brooklyn, and my father was very supportive of the whole Jewish movement. And in Congress, you couldn’t say a bad thing about Israel, you couldn’t even talk about it,” he said.
“Today, it’s almost like there’s a revolution against Israel in Congress, especially in Congress. The Senate’s not like it used to be, but at least it’s still there, but Congress between AOC and all these other lunatics, they’re lunatics. They hate Israel, they hate it with a passion, I hope you know that, and because they have a good line of nonsense, they convinced a lot of people that Israel is a bad place, that you’re bad people and something has to be done.
“Ten years ago, this would have been impossible,” he said.
Trump, who received the Foundation’s Crown of Jerusalem award, touted his policies as the most pro-Israel American president in history, reminding the crowd of his termination of the Iran nuclear deal, opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem and recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, among other actions – to enthusiastic applause.
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AntisemitismBiden AdministrationDonald TrumpUS Mideast policy
Content retrieved from: https://worldisraelnews.com/trump-say-one-good-word-about-israel-youre-out-of-politics/.