Trump’s adviser is due in Jerusalem, meets Netanyahu Monday

DEBKAfile March 12, 2017, 8:31 PM (IDT)

Jason Greenblatt, President Donald |Trump’s special adviser on international negotiations  has scheduled meetings Monday with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah Tuesday in an effort to jump-start the long-stalled peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The US embassy in Israel issued an official communiqué stating that discussions on relocating the embassy to Jerusalem will not be part of Greenblatt’s mission.
He will also meet President Reuven Rivlin and opposition leader Yitzhak Herzog. .Saturday, Trump held his first conversation with Abbas.

According to a White House press release, Trump “emphasized his personal belief that peace is possible and that the time has come to make a deal. The President noted that such a deal would not only give Israelis and Palestinians the peace and security they deserve, but that it would reverberate positively throughout the region and the world. Trump also “underscored that such a peace agreement must be negotiated directly between the two parties, and that the United States will work closely with Palestinian and Israeli leadership to make progress toward that goal. The President noted that the United States cannot impose a solution on the Israelis and Palestinians, nor can one side impose an agreement on the other.”

“The president invited president Abbas to a meeting at the White House in the near future.”


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