News Desk2020-08-11

BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:30 P.M.) – The Turkish Coast Guard reported that 3 people were injured in an attack by the Greek Navy on a Turkish civilian boat, Sputnik reported.
A Turkish Coast Guard statement obtained by Sputnik said, “three people were injured, one of them in serious condition, as a result of Greek Navy firing at a civilian boat.”
“There were two Turkish citizens and a Syrian citizen on the boat that was targeted by the Greek Navy,” the statement added.
Greece has not responded these allegations from Turkey.
Recently, Turkish-Greek relations have been significantly tense, after the Turkish Navy issued a navigational notification in which it said that its ship, “Uruj Reis”, will conduct seismic surveys in the eastern Mediterranean, and the notification will be effective from 10 to 23 August.
This step is likely to increase tension in the eastern Mediterranean between Turkey on the one hand and a number of countries in the region on the other hand, on top of which is Greece.
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