
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:40 A.M.) – Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said on Sunday that his country is not pushing for the escalation of tension in Libya, but it will continue to support the right of the legitimate government in Tripoli to defend itself.
He said in an interview with the Turkish channel NTV: “We are not with the escalation of tension in Libya. We have no plan, intention or thinking to confront any country there. The Libyan national government has the right to defend itself. Turkey will definitely continue to provide its support to this government.” .
On the bombing of Al-Watiyah Air Force Base, he said: “The intentions of those who said to stop the ceasefire and achieve peace in Libya were clear when they bombed the Al-Watiyah airport and chanted: Libya’s rule should be in our hands, and they mustered militarily in Sirte and Jafra.”
He pointed out that Turkey and the Libyan Government of National Accord are bound by a military cooperation agreement signed in November 2019, in the framework of which it provides Turkish support.
He explained that the Turkish presence in Libya achieved a balance, saying: “When I talk to my counterparts in America and Europe, they admit this to us. We do not seek to obtain estimates, but to solve the crisis and advance the political process, according to the rules of the United Nations, and the outputs of the Berlin Conference.”
They affirmed that “the revolutionary general, Khalifa Haftar, was behind the breach of all agreements, chief among them the Skhirat Agreement, by declaring in 2015 not to recognize it,” accusing countries including Egypt, the UAE and France of supporting him.
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Kalin called for an evaluation of the controversy surrounding the Sirte-Al-Jufra axis in Libya within the context of the general scene in Libya.
He said: “Hafter’s forces have been continuing for some time to send reinforcements to the military base in Al-Jafra, in violation of the Skhirat agreement.”
He added: “When looking at this general scene, it becomes clear that we have no intention of confronting Egypt, France, or any other country there (in Libya).”
Source: Anadolu Agency
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/turkey-is-not-looking-for-war-with-egypt-and-france-in-libya-presidency/.