Turkey will not back down if Egypt enters Libyan War: official

BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:10 P.M.) – A senior Turkish official confirmed told Reuters on Monday that Egypt’s warning that it might interfere directly in Libya would not deter his country from supporting its Libyan allies.

“Al-Sisi’s statements are unfounded … Turkey and Libya will not deviate from their resolve,” the Turkish official said, asking to remain anonymous.

He continued: “The Government of National Accord, with the support of Turkey, continues to prepare to take control of the strategic coastal city of Sirte, which was captured by Khalifa Haftar forces last January, and the Al-Jufra region towards the south.”

For his part, Fuat Oktay, Turkish Vice President, indicated that “Egypt’s direct intervention will not be supported by Algeria, which is another neighbor to Libya and will place Egypt in a confrontation with Turkey, a member of NATO.”

He added: “Sisi has no strength or the nerve to do so.”

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said last Saturday that “Cairo has a legitimate right to interfere in Libya,” and he ordered the army to prepare for any mission outside the country if necessary.

Egypt called, earlier, for “a ceasefire in Libya as part of a new initiative welcomed by the United States, Russia and the UAE, but Turkey rejected it as an attempt to save Haftar.”


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