Turks must defend rights of Jerusalem ‘even with their lives’: Erdogan

News Desk2020-11-28

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BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:00 P.M.) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that “the Turks must defend the rights of Jerusalem, even with their lives,” stressing that it is an “honor of the Islamic nation,” the Anadolu Agency reported.

He said, “Let us all put our differences aside, and meet at the common denominator of Islam in the face of attacks on our sanctities.”

The Turkish president continued, “We notice the rise of ideological extremism, which does not differ from the practices of ISIS or Gulen organization, but rather we see heads of state encouraging it.”

Erdogan described what he considered “anti-Islam” as the fast-spreading virus, saying: “Besides coronavirus this year, we have faced the fastest spreading anti-Islam virus.”

He pointed out that “everyone followed the abuse of the Prophet Muhammad recently under the pretext of freedom of expression in France,” warning that “offending the sanctities of others has nothing to do with this freedom.”

He added that he “seeks a balanced and fair policy on religious freedoms that provides a model for all humanity,” noting that “there are those who do not bear the slightest criticism after the attack on the sacred values ​​of Muslims, and they justify this attack with freedom of thought and information.”


Source: Anadolu

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