Hana Levi Julian23 Tishri 5784 – October 8, 2023

An IDF artillery unit on Mount Dov.
It appears that a two-front war has been launched against Israel, with Lebanon’s Iranian proxy Hezbollah apparently joining the battle.
IDF soldiers responded with artillery fire after Hezbollah forces in Lebanon fired mortar shells at northern Israel early Sunday morning, Israel’s Channel 12 News reported.
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The mortar fire was directed at Mount Dov.
In addition to artillery fire, the IDF deployed an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) to attack those who launched the mortar fire.
כלי טיס מאויש מרחוק תקף לפני זמן קצר תשתיות של ארגון הטרור חיזבאללה במרחב הר דב
— צבא ההגנה לישראל (@idfonline) October 8, 2023
“A remotely manned aircraft … attacked the infrastructure of the terrorist organization Hezbollah in the area of Mount Dov,” the IDF said in a statement.
The army “is prepared for scenarios in all sectors and will continue to protect the security of the residents of the State of Israel,” the IDF said.
The attack came as Israeli forces in the south of the country continue to be heavily engaged in fighting a war launched Saturday by Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization.
IDF Home Front Command has ordered residents in the area to stay in protected spaces and remain alert for updated instructions.
Public shelters in the area were opened by the municipalities.
Content retrieved from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/middle-east/lebanon/mortar-shells-fired-at-israel-from-lebanon/2023/10/08/.