U.S. Government Leaders Security Alert: U.S. Embassy Jerusalem (January 28, 2020)

Location:  Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza

Event:  With widespread calls for demonstrations in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza, U.S. government employees and their family members are not permitted until further notice to conduct personal travel to the areas of Jerusalem’s Old City surrounding the Damascus Gate, Herod’s Gate, Lion’s Gate, and Chain Gate, Haram Al-Sharif/Temple Mount, and in the West Bank, to include but not limited to Bethlehem, Jericho, Qumran, Wadi Qelt, Al Auju, St. Geroniumus/Khogla Monastery, St. George Monastery, Nabi Musa, the Inn of the Good Samaritan, and the parts of the Dead Sea that lie within the West Bank.  This travel restriction for U.S. government employees and their family members applies to all roads in and through the West Bank except for Route 443. Travel is not permitted along the West Bank portions of routes 1 and 90. Official travel by U.S. government employees in those areas is permitted only to conduct essential travel and with additional security measures.  Official travel by U.S. government employees to Gaza is not permitted.  United States citizens should avoid areas where crowds have gathered and where there is increased police and/or military presence.  We recommend that U.S. citizens take into consideration these restrictions and the additional guidance contained in the Department of State’s travel advisory for Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza when making decisions regarding their travel.

As security incidents, including rocket fire, often take place without warning, U.S. citizens are strongly encouraged to remain vigilant and take appropriate steps to increase their security awareness.  In the event of mortar and/or rocket fire, a red alert siren may be activated.  Treat all such alerts as real; follow the instructions from local authorities and seek shelter immediately.  Know the location of your closest shelter or protected space.  U.S. government personnel and their family members may be restricted from traveling to areas affected by rocket activity, sirens, and/or the opening of bomb shelters.  For additional information on appropriate action to take upon hearing a siren or explosion, see the Israel Defense Forces Home Front Command website (available on devices within Israel) or view the Preparedness Information PDF.  U.S. citizens may also wish to download the free Israel Defense Forces Home Front Command application on Android or Apple devices to receive real-time security and safety alerts.  Free commercial applications, such as Red Alert: Israel, are also available.

Actions to Take:

  1. Be aware of your surroundings
  2. Avoid demonstrations
  3. Monitor local media
  4. Follow the instructions of local authorities


  • U.S. Embassy Jerusalem
    14 David Flusser St.
    Telephone: +972-2-630-4000
    E-mail: JerusalemACS@state.gov
    Website: https://il.usembassy.gov/
  • U.S. Embassy Branch Office Tel Aviv
    71 HaYarkon St.
    Tel Aviv
    Telephone: +972-3-519-7575
    E-mail: TelAvivACS@state.gov
    Website: https://il.usembassy.gov/
  • State Department – Consular Affairs
    888-407-4747or 202-501-4444
  • Israel, West Bank, and Gaza Country Information
  • Israel, West Bank, and Gaza Travel Advisory
  • Enroll in Safe Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive security updates
  • Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

By U.S. Mission Israel | 28 January, 2020 | Topics: Alert

Content retrieved from: https://il.usembassy.gov/security-alert-u-s-embassy-jerusalem-january-28-2020/?fbclid=IwAR2nJjP8zlGpSXBMmhgtbdvVQMX991AJGk6BorFmGpoAYIJw69QTRzmw7V0.