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According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the airstrikes targeted the Iranian-backed forces near the Green Zone in the Albukamal countryside, killing at least five militiamen.
Despite the SOHR claim, it is very difficult to verify whether or not this indeed did occur due to the absence of information from this front.
The Iranian Armed Forces and their allies do not post public information and they do not comment on these alleged attacks, which makes it very difficult to verify.
A previous attack was reported in the same area on Friday; however, this attack was never confirmed and no information was made available about it.
In general, if airstrikes are carried out on the Iranian positions in Syria, these strikes are most likely conducted by the Israeli Armed Forces.
In the past, the Israeli Armed Forces have carried out airstrikes in the Albukamal countryside and even as far east as Iraq’s Salaheddine Governorate.
Like the Iranian troops in eastern Syria, Israel does not publicly discuss these attacks.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/unidentified-warplanes-allegedly-bomb-iranian-backed-troops-in-eastern-syria/.