BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:20 P.M.) – James Jeffrey, the U.S. special envoy to Syria, commented on the visit of the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to Damascus on Monday, and his meeting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
“If Iran were truly concerned about the health & safety of the Syrian ppl, it would support the UN-led political process under UNSCR2254 and withdraw IRGC, Hizballah, & other terrorist forces under its command from the entirety of #Syria,” the tweet read.
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In the statement, Jeffrey called for the necessity “of Iran adopting a political solution instead of a military victory” and that Iran’s only contributions to Syria were violence and instability.
“The United States is the largest donor of humanitarian aid to the Syrian people, providing more than $10.6 billion in aid across Syria and the region since the start of the crisis, and still providing humanitarian assistance to prevent the outbreak of the coronavirus,” he said in the statement,” he added.
The Syria and U.S. currently have no diplomatic relations, but other countries like the Czech Republic and Russia act intermediaries between the two nations.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/us-envoy-attacks-syria-and-iran-demands-irgc-and-hezbollah-leave-immediately/.