US forces train to destroy Russian S-400 and advanced jets


BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:40 A.M.) – The Defense Blog reported that the United States conducted military exercises under the title Emerald Flag in southeastern Florida, during which troops were training to destroy Russian weapons.

The site included one of the pictures of the US Air Force showing a Russian S-400 and Su-34 fighters, in addition to submarines that were simulated as enemy targets.

The site indicated that the American forces used copies of the Russian T-72 tanks during the exercises. The US forces also used ground and air weapons, computer technology, and satellites during the exercises.

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Commenting on the American maneuvers, Russian military expert Konstantin Sivkov said in an interview with the Russian newspaper Vzgliad that the maneuvers are very different from real combat operations, stressing that the S-400 systems and Su-34 fighters are among the best military equipment in the world, and they are not easy to destroy.

The use of Russian equipment during the exercises was seen as evidence that the United States was preparing for a war against Russia, RT reported.


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