US military allegedly intercepted enemy missiles at Ayn Al-Assad Base in Iraq

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BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:00 P.M.) – The U.S. Patriot missile system was allegedly put to use this week when their forces came under attack the ‘Ayn Al-Assad Base in the Al-Anbar Governorate.

According to the Anadolu News Agency of Turkey, the U.S. military intercepted the enemy missiles before they could strike their intended targets.

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Citing an Iraqi officer, Anadolu News reported that it was the U.S. Patriot missile system that intercepted the two projectiles that were fired on the ‘Ayn Al-Assad Base west of Al-Ramadi.

On Monday, the U.S. announced the first deployment of their Patriot missiles system to Iraq; this move came just a few weeks after the American forces began withdrawing from several installations across the country.

Last week, the New York Times reported that the U.S. military was placed on high alert in Iraq, as Washington expects a major confrontation with the Iranian-backed forces inside the country.


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