US threatens to ‘eliminate’ long-range missile shipments from Iran to Venezuela

News Desk2020-10-28


The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) fired a missile from a launch site in the southern part of the Islamic Republic.

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BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:45 A.M.) – The U.S. will ‘eliminate’ any long-range missile shipments that are made from Iran to Venezuela, Washington’s envoy to both countries, Elliott Abrams, told Fox News on Monday.

“The transfer of long-range missiles from Iran to Venezuela is not acceptable to the United States and will not be tolerated or permitted,” Abrams told the news network.

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According to Abrams, the U.S. is willing to use force, if needed, to stop these shipments from reaching Venezuela.

“We will make every effort to stop shipments of long-range missiles, and if somehow they get to Venezuela they will be eliminated there,” he continued.

The U.S. envoy told Fox News that Venezuela is an “obvious target” for Iranian weapons sales because the two pariah regimes” have “a relationship.”

The U.N. arms embargo against Iran expired in October and since its expiration, the U.S. administration has been threatening all potential arms dealers and purchasers about doing business with Tehran.

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