US Will Soon Kneel before Iran, Spokesman Says

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyed Abbas Mousavi decried the US officials’ expression of satisfaction with the results of “economic terrorism” against Iran, saying the US government will soon have to kneel in front of the Iranian nation.

  • June, 12, 2020 – 12:31
US Will Soon Kneel before Iran, Spokesman Says

“But you see that not the Iranians’ neck, but your knee was wrung. You will soon kneel in front of Iranian Nation,” Mousavi told the US officials.

The spokesman has also cited an interview that Al Arabiya has conducted with US Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook, who said the US is happy with the results of the sanctions imposed on Iran.

In remarks at a cabinet session on Wednesday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani took a swipe at the US for exerting pressures on others, saying that ‘kneeling on neck’ has been a policy of the US since long ago.

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