Waiting On That Joy….

Waiting On That Joy….

I have been going through some difficult times lately , Me and those I love . I am constantly holding onto The Bible’s promises of tears turning to Joy . I am sure a lot of you feel the same way . You wonder , ” when are these attacks going to cease , when am I going to see that Light at the end of the Tunnel ? ” The sad thing Is that many go a whole life without seeing that light at the end of the tunnel, and yet we learn through Christ to endure until the end..

It says In our Bible…
Psalm 30:5King James Version (KJV)

5 For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

Right now I feel that this world Is In night , the time when all the brightness of day has run out ! There will be no more Joy In this world. mankind through his sin and rebellion of God has brought us to this point . the dye has been cast and there Is no turning back . A lot of people think that the changing In Washington was going to save this world , well I can tell you from my heart of hearts It Is not . There Is only one man who Is going to save this world , One man who already HAS Saved this world and that man Is Jesus Christ .
The Lord Has had a plan from the foundation of the world . He knew that mankind would fall , he knew that they would reject his Love , he knew that someone would have to be the sin offering , he knew that a Majority of people would reject him , He knew that he would give us ample time to turn back to him , and finally he knew that Judgement day would come upon this world . We are at that time ! The Judgement of the King Is upon us , and as soldiers of Christ we are called to ride It out to the end and remain Faithful and true to him !
I have One Lord , One Ruler , and One King and that Is Jesus Christ ! He has promised me Joy , that Joy that will come upon me In the Morning ! That morning will start the moment that I draw my last breathe or he comes to take us all home ! My Christ was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief , what makes any Bible believing Christian believe that he or she Is going to escape the wrath of this world and the wrath of It’s leader the devil ? Do you really think that you are more favored than Christ himself , that you are more worthy than he ?
We will face sickness , we will face sorrow , we will face persecution , we will face loneliness , and the sword but through it all we are more than conquerors through him that Loved us , and I will never ever face a trial or tribulation alone , for my Jesus Christ walks with me. Remember the three Hebrew men In the Fiery furnace ? Suddenly there was a forth , the Son of God himself who helped them through the trial , and when I am In my fiery furnace , I am not alone for the son of man Is with me !
The true Christian knows that our rewards come In the next world , not In this one . Our Joy comes In the Morning’s sunlight when we awaken to the beautiful face of the ” Son of Man ” welcoming us home Into his kingdom of Love ! Until that day dear brother and sister I will pray for you , and I will be strengthened by his promise to me and to you , that he will never leave us nor forsake us !
We are In a battle , and It Is roaring on , prepare to stand up for what Is right , through persecution and death Itself we remain faithful to the cause…

Pastor John Pusateri..

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