Are you one?The dictionary says it’s someone that acts unwisely. But that’s a bit subjective. Who’s the qualified arbitrator of that definition?I was told I was foolish for starting one of my companies because I had no experience doing the things I would have to do. That startup turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made. A good friend of mine was advised that pursuing his Masters Degree would be wise. Now he’s in debt almost a hundred thousand dollars and he can’t land a job.Somewhere along the line there is a direct relationship between fools and their outcomes.The Bible says a lot about fools and how to recognize them. They persist in unhealthy decision-making (Isaiah 32:6), their words and ideas expose them (Prov. 26:11), they repeat mistakes (Prov. 18:7), they ridicule facts and knowledge (Prov. 1:22), they are deceitful (Prov. 14:8), they mock the concept of sin (Prov. 14:9), they easily get offended and angry (Prov. 12:16), and they openly support corruption and criminal conduct (Prov. 10:23).That’s just a sampling. Over and over, the Bible makes the divinely inspired case that a fool brings harm to himself and to others.Fools erode what is good and tear down whatever they are a part of. They are unable and unwilling to learn.A common thread ties all these qualities together. All dyed-in-the-wool fools – in one way or another – have “….said in their heart, ‘There is no God.’” (Psalms 14:1; 53:1). That is, they refuse to believe the plain evidence that there’s a God in the first place (Romans 1:19). Instead of giving God honor, they’ve pushed Him aside, ignored His glory, suppressed His truth, and refused to show Him gratitude.Many fools have put God in a box. They have defined Him according to their desires. They pick and choose from the full counsel of His truth as though they were at a buffet. They want Him measurable, predictable, and even moldable. God needs to fit THEIR social, moral, and cultural ideals – not the other way around.At their core, the fool has a spiritual problem. Fools don’t want the accountabilities of right and wrong. Conscience-based laws and ethical standards get in the way of personal agendas, and so these things are diluted, derided, and destroyed. Fools are quickly recognized by their adamant refusal to conform to what is proper and to acknowledge what is true.Fools like to have safety in numbers. It’s why they high-five their own kind and eighty-six everyone else. The Bible puts it this way, fools “approve of those who practice” what is wrong (Romans 1:32).The further one goes down this path, the more one becomes an utter contradiction. Romans 1:22 says “Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.” What these folks REALLY are is far removed from what they THINK they are. They cannot see this disparity. They are fully convinced of their delusion, and they mock anyone who provides a reality check.This is a tragic assessment. Many fools have reached the point where they are unable to recognize themselves and others.They fail to discern this dilemma, and so they place labels on people they should place on themselves. They project blame for things THEY instead are guilty of, and they embrace two sets of rules – one for them, and another for everybody who’s unlike them. Fools see no problem with any of this.The fools’ lack of any moral compass would be comedic if it wasn’t so blatantly wretched. Their double-standard is self-evident to everyone but themselves. Fools are least qualified to provide the commentary and leadership they are so desperate to gain. For all fools, the end will always justify the means.Where is this all going?I’ll conclude by stating that none of this is a surprise. America has become a showcase of fools plotting, forcing, and justifying their agenda. Every last Biblical assessment of fools is on full display in this nation. In the bigger picture, we see globalism for what it is – – an experiment by fools on parade.Because fools no longer recognize right from wrong or good from bad, and because fools have basically rejected God and His laws, this trajectory of descent into depravity is inevitable. Remember, fools erode what is good and tear down anything they are a part of.But God WILL have the final say. That is assured. He will be the final judge of all fools. They will bear the consequences of their choice to reject Jesus Christ and His gift of salvation. Their decisions will render them to be without excuse (Romans 1:20), and they will receive the penalty of their pride, their arrogance – – their foolishness.There is indeed a direct relationship between fools and their outcomes. Their choices ultimately doom them, and their eternal future is at risk.Are you – perhaps – a fool? It’s best to not dismiss the question casually.