What the Resurrection of Jesus Means

It is not on man’s terms and will, but on God’s, that man finds the salvation that he needs; the power of God and the wisdom of God. Through the preaching of Christ crucified, God calls people by opening their eyes of faith to believe the Gospel. For us who are saved, it is through the power of God that we believe the Gospel and experience the regeneration that draws us unto belief. It is not just the world at large that considers the cross “foolishness”. The nations whose politicians have boasted of great wisdom and of the culture they have achieved are actually groping in their darkened vision instead of discovering how man can be saved and brought to God by believing the Gospel. They, in their foolishness, deny God and are drawn deeper into sin and despair.

Therefore, God made the wisdom of this world foolish (I Corinthians 2:18). He provided the way of salvation to this dying world Himself on the Roman Cross nearly 2000 years ago.