ByNews Desk-2020-06-09

BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:00 P.M.) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Greece “does not know Turkey’s energy” and should “bind its borders”, warning Athens against interfering in Turkish affairs.
He said in an interview with the Turkish state-owned TRT on Monday: “I think that the Greek side does not know Turkey’s energy and potential, so they should know their borders and stand with them.”
Speaking of the controversy with Athens about the Hagia Sofia museum in Istanbul, which was a Christian church under the Byzantine Empire, Erdogan said that “the subject of the Hagia Sofia is a human rights issue, and there are institutions that take decisions and implement them.”
Erdogan considered the Greek protest against his plans to transform the Hagia Sofia Museum into a mosque, an interference in Turkish affairs, and asked: “Who is Greece to interfere in the affairs of Turkey?”.
Regarding the Ankara agreement with the Al-Wefaq government in Tripoli on the demarcation of maritime borders, which Greece rejects and regards as legally void, the Turkish president said that “the borders of the Mediterranean are clear and straightforward, and we now possess ships for exploration in the Mediterranean.”
The Greek government has previously said they strongly oppose Turkey’s plans to explore the Mediterranean, considering it a violation of the sovereign rights of Greece.
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