Zechariah Message 1

The name Zechariah comes from the Hebrew זְכַרְיָה֙ zakar the verb for remember. The last half of his name is a reference to the Lord as Yah. Therefore this name of the Lord remembering is a fitting one because the entire prophecy is an exposition of the fact that the Lord remembers Israel. This is quite a common name in the Hebrew Bible, which is our Old Testament. It is found forty three times in the OT referencing at least twenty different individuals. He was given prophecies that were clearly near term to his day (Cir. 520 B.C.) and on to the second coming of the Messiah. His book may be viewed as the Old Testament apocalypse or the continuation of the prophet Daniel. He was born in Babylon was both a prophet and a priest like Ezekiel and Daniel as well as being a contemporary of Haggai. Haggai was much older and saw the temple (Haggai 2:3) before its final destruction by the Babylonians in 586 B.C. Haggai was probably in Israel when the Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar invaded in 605 and 597 B.C. In 539 B.C. the Persian emperor Cyrus conquered Babylon bringing in a completely new ruling attitude over Jerusalem. Cyrus granted the Jews permission to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their city and their temple in 536-35 B.C. Cyrus was succeeded by in 530 B.C. by Cambyses II his son. Darius I succeeded him in 522 B.C. It was during his reign that the Lord gave Zechariah his prophecies.

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