19 Alexander the Great Comes to Israel

With chapter nine we begin the last half of the book of Zechariah. Within it is a distinctly different style of Hebrew text. While chapters seven and eight are transitional between the two sections the scope of these last six chapters parallels the first eight chapters in the book. The change seen in this last section is one of mood, outlook, style, and composition compared to the first eight chapters. The Hebrew grammar, syntax and lexicography are more complex. As did Isaiah in the last portion (chapters 40 -66) of his book, Zechariah entered a new and more futuristic thought process being imposed upon him by the Lord of the universe. This section is highly prophetic and lacks any connection to the prophet’s own time. This section is very eschatological and has many enigmatic references to unique cosmic, redemptive and messianic themes. Of prime importance to this section are the direct descriptions of the two advents of the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua Hamachiach. This last part of Zechariah describes the overthrow of the Gentile world powers and the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom on this earth.

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